Butterfly Salted Norway Cod
Description:p/kg (22.72 kg box)
Norwegian Arctic cod develops strong muscles and incredibly firm flesh, unsurpassed in taste and texture. The cod’s meat has a mild taste and white color, it can be dried and preserved without losing its flavor.
After capturing the backbone of the fish is mostly removed, allowing it to be folded open as a “butterfly” which makes it easier to salt the fish, as well as drying and pressing it. Salting and drying are some of the oldest methods for preserving fish and meat. The salt extracts the water and saturates the remaining water content of the fish with salt. This process of maturation usually takes a few months. When the water content of the salted fish drops below 48 per cent, it is called clipfish.
The nutritional content in clipfish is more concentrated than in fresh fish. This means that clipfish is rich in proteins and vitamin A and D.
Country of Origin: Norway