Tomme De Savoie Wheel
Description:p/kg (2.27 kg wheel)
Tomme de Savoie is an uncooked, semi-soft cheese with a gray rind that looks like suede. The cheese is made from raw cow’s milk in the regions of Savoie and Haute-Savoie in France. It is the oldest cheese from the Savoie region, where the mountain climate gives the cheese its unique qualities. Tomme de Savoie was invented when local peasants turned their summer milk supplies into cheese, in order to last for the winter. After the cream is drained to make butter, Tomme de Savoie is produced from the leftover skimmed milk, which is why it has quite a low fat content (40%). After 2 to 4 months of maturing, its texture is pliable and firm and the flavor is nutty, grassy and rustic, with hints of mushroom and citrus.
Country of Origin: Savoie, France.